Appenzell Cheese Dairy Restaurant

Finest Appenzell cuisine in the restaurant at the Appenzell Cheese Dairy

You will immediately feel welcome in this restaurant and you can order hot meals throughout the day. Cheese is, of course, the central theme on the menu. In addition we offer a substantial breakfast buffet on Sunday mornings. And the Höckli restaurant offers an attraction for those who like to make their own food: our guests can prepare their own cheesy pasta in the cheese vat.


Local weather

light rain



  • Sunrise: 08:06
  • Sunset: 16:33
  • Max: 8°C
  • Min: 3°C
  • Humidity: 82 %
  • Pressure: 1010 hPa
  • Wind: 13 km/h
  • Friday
    • 1°C
    • -6°C
  • Saturday
    • 3°C
    • -7°C
  • Sunday
    • 4°C
    • -2°C

Appenzell Cheese Dairy Restaurant