

In the Appenzellerland we celebrate the turn of the year twice. Once according to the Gregorian calendar, on 31 December, and then according to the Julian calendar on 13 January. On those dates, the Silvesterchläuse mummers roam the streets. There are three types, known as «schöne Chläus», «wüeschti Chläus» und «Naturchläus». The beautiful «schöne Chläus» wear ornamental headgear depicting scenes from rural life, lovingly made by hand over hundreds of hours. The wild «wüeschti Chläus» and natural «Naturchläus» boast artful, wildly decorated hats, bonnets and masks. The mummers meet up in the early morning hours, walking from door to door singing and yodeling to wish everyone a Happy New Year. They stay out until midnight, visiting the inns in the vicinity during the evening.

Should the 31st of December or the 13th of January fall on a Sunday, the mummers go out on the Saturday before.


Date 31 December
(Gregorian New Year’s Eve) 13 January
(Julian New Year’s Eve)
Place various municipalities in the Appenzell Hinterland and Midland regions
Duration from dawn until night-time
Participants men, boys, sometimes girls


When will the Silvesterchlausen 2025/26 take place?

New Year's Eve is celebrated twice in Appenzellerland. The New New Year's Eve takes place on 31 December, the Old New Year's Eve on 13 January. If the dates fall on a Sunday, they are celebrated on the day before.
In 2025 / 2026, the New Year's Eve will be celebrated on Wednesday, 31.12.2025 and on Tuesday, 13.01.2026.

Last update on 29.01.2025 by .

In what form will the Silvesterchlausen 2025/26 take place?

Once again this year, Silvesterchlausen in Appenzellerland AR will move from farm to farm and house to house to convey New Year's wishes to the landlords and landladies. The Silvesterchlausen is therefore not a timed procession.

The «Strech» (route) of the «Schuppel» (Chlausen groups) is never announced. It is precisely this uncertainty that makes this tradition so magical.

Last update on 29.01.2025 by .

What is the right way to behave?

Observe the New Year's Eve lice from a respectful distance. Keeping your distance and behaving calmly and discreetly is particularly important in front of private houses. You may photograph the lice from a distance of a few metres. After the chorus, we recommend a moment of silence to allow what you have heard to sink in. Please refrain from applause and instead express your appreciation with a respectful «Bravo».

Enjoy the New Year's Eve chorus above all acoustically. Flashing lights and mobile phone lights can distract from the mystical, sensual and sonorous atmosphere.

Last update on 02.02.2024 by .

Why are there two New Year's Eve days in the canton of Appenzell Ausserrhoden?

This peculiarity has its origins in the Gregorian calendar reform. A confessional dispute that broke out in the 16th century when Pope Gregory XIII improved and adapted the Julian calendar. The Protestant Ausserrhoden refused to recognise the new Gregorian calendar. Although the new calendar prevailed, New Year's Eve is still celebrated on 13 January, i.e. according to the Julian calendar.

Last update on 15.12.2023 by .

How long has the Silvesterchlausen tradition been around?

The custom itself, which was at times practised as a begging tradition, was first recorded in 1663. It is probably much older, however. Some place it in the St. Nicholas tradition from northern France, but the ringing of bells also suggests a pagan origin. The first evidence of a costume appears in a document from 1744. «Schöni» Chläus have been part of the tradition since the 19th century. «Schön-Wüeschte» and «Wüeschte» only appeared in the second half of the 20th century.

An overview of the three different forms and there origin you can find here.

Last update on 03.09.2024 by .

How many New Year's Eve Chlausen groups are there in the various municipalities?



approx. 30 groups (adults, youth and children's groups)


approx. 30 groups (adults)


approx. 8 - 10 groups (adults, youth and children's groups)


approx. 15 - 20 groups (adults, youth and children's groups)


approx. 24 groups (adults, youth and children's groups)


approx. 14 - 17 groups (adults, youth and children's groups)


currently one adult and one children's group known


approx. 5 - 7 groups (adults, youth and children's groups)

Stein AR

approx. 13 - 15 groups (adults, youth and children's groups)


2 adults and 3 - 4 children's groups


Last update on 15.12.2023 by .

What’s the best way to travel? Where can I park?

We generally recommend getting here by public transport. There are direct connections via the post bus and the Appenzell railways from St. Gallen and Herisau.

Depending on the municipality, there will be various parking options available.


Public transportation: Train from Gossau/Herisau or Appenzell
Parking: Large car park directly above the railway station and next to Hotel Krone (Kronenparkplatz). If this is full, follow the signs and directions given by the parking attendants (there are other parking options outside the village)


Public transportation: Post bus from Herisau and St. Gallen
Parking: School Mitledi, Säntis Metzgerei, «Landsgemeindeplatz», Churzch, Ramsten, Befang

Stein AR

Public transportation: Post bus from Herisau and St. Gallen
Parking: Appenzeller Schaukäserei, Appenzeller Volkskunde Museum


Public transportation: Post bus from Herisau & Brunnadern
Parking: Next to the Community hall, next to the church


Public transportation: Train from Gossau/Herisau/St.Gallen or Appenzell
Parking: Follow the signs


Public transportation: Bus from Herisau
Parking: Halden and Multipurpose building Sommertal


Public transportation: Train from St.Gallen/Gossau or Appenzell
Parking: Kiesplatz Ebnet, Kasernenareal, Sonnenberg car park swimming pool (the posted tariffs apply), Gutenberg underground car park (access until 10:15 a.m.), station roof car park (the posted tariffs apply)


Public transportation: Train from Trogen/St.Gallen or Appenzell
Parking: Landhaus underground car parking and at Zeughausplatz

Last update on 15.12.2023 by .

Why are the times and routes not clearly defined and not guaranteed?

The Silvesterchlausen is not a timed procession. Each Silvesterchlausen-Schuppel (group) moves from house to house, differently each year and according to its own route plan. The routes can be changed or shortened, especially in bad weather.

Last update on 16.08.2024 by .