Goofebloch of Urnäsch

All information about the Goofebloch of Urnäsch

The Goofebloch takes place for the third time this year, always on the Saturday before Ash Wednesday, and is thus the first of all Bloch parades. At 5 a.m., around 25 girls and 40 boys gather for roll call, and at 5.30 a.m. the parade starts  heads towards Waldstatt. The outriders lead the way, followed by two Schellebure who distribute biscuits. On the Bloch itself, the carter has the overview and two musicians provide the atmosphere. At the back of the Bloch, the blacksmith is responsible for a smoking oven and the odd bang.

The following Biiwägeli is pulled by Waldchrüütermeetle, Waldhexen, Beierwiiber and Böscheliwiiber. The Biiwägeli is followed by two rose ladies who also hand out presents. Of course, the Bloch Bear is not to be missed, and the riders come at the end. The Bloch is accompanied by many colourfully dressed Kässeler who collect small change.

The route is 23 kilometres long and covers a total of 400 metres in altitude. The march in on the Dorfplatz at 4.30 p.m. in Urnäsch attracts a large crowd. It is followed by speeches from the Schellebuur and the Rosendamen. All speeches are held by the kids. In the end the Bloch is auctioned

Route: Urnäsch, Waldstatt, Oberwaldstatt, Schönengrund, Bächli, Sattledi, Schönau, Urnäsch


Date Saturday, 10. February 2024
Time / Place Start: 5.30 a.m., Company Altherr Urnäsch AG, Furt Urnäsch
Blochgant: 4.30 p.m. Dorfplatz Urnäsch
Participants Girls and boys between 10 and 16 years

«s'Bloch» - The Movie