Buebebloch of Hundwil, Stein, Schwellbrunn

All information about the Buebebloch

The boys from Hundwil, Stein and Schwellbrunn parade their Bloch through the villages every year on the actual Bloch Monday. The Hundwil boys walk the longest distance. It leads from Oertles Mühle to Urnäsch, Waldstatt, Herisau - from there to Hundwil and back to Oertles Mühle, where the log is returned. The Steiner Bloch is pulled on a diversion to Teufen and back. The people of Schwellbrunn reintroduced the Bloch parade in 1961 and walk from Risi to Herisau and back.


Date Monday,
10th March 2025
(the Monday after Ash Wednesday)
Time early in the morning
Place Hundwil, Stein and Schwellbrunn
Participants Boys from about the beginning to the end of compulsory school

«s'Bloch» - The Movie