Bloch of Herisau

All information on the Herisauer Bloch

After about a hundred years, the Herisauer Bloch has been revived. The day begins early in the morning for the 45 men of the Bloch Society. The Bloch is a beautiful, delimbed tree trunk that is pulled through the village on a wagon. At half past four, the men march off in their costumes representing traditional trades. The men will not arrive back at the Chälblihalle in Herisau until early evening. The auction of the Bloch and its public Blochball will also take place there.

Info at


Date Monday, 10th March 2025 (The Monday after Ash Wednesday)
Time 4.30 am
Place Herisau
Participants About 45 men of the Bloch Society

«s'Bloch» - The Movie